Personal Finance Research
“To be the preferred service provider of South African distributional household finance data, to empower our clients to get to know their customers and attain their goals and objectives.”
Monitor research needs/demands and household finance market trends in order to respond to such needs/demands timeously and effectively. Create market segment and business intelligence that empowers clients to conduct informed decision-making and strategic planning over the short, medium, and long-term.
Aims and objectives
- To develop and maintain a high-quality income and expenditure segmentation database applying the latest available macro-level data to the BMR Income and Expenditure Model.
- To keep abreast with the latest trends in macro-level data and the interaction between macro-meso-micro levels relating to household finance.
- To empower society through knowledge transfer and engagement regarding household finance matters in the public domain.
Research niche areas
- Distributional personal income analysis & forecasts.
- Distributional household income and expenditure analysis & forecasts.
- Consumer financial capability and financial literacy.