The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Wellbeing of South African Youth As part of the YRU@BMR Youth Ambassador Research initiative, the Youth Research Unit (YRU) of the Bureau
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Wellbeing of South African Youth As part of the YRU@BMR Youth Ambassador Research initiative, the Youth Research Unit (YRU) of the Bureau
The 2022 Inaugural CESE Africa Summit Invigorates a Movement It has been just over one year since several African partners who attended the annual Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE)
South African Youth Experience Complex Psycho-Social Challenges with Limited Support The YRU@BMR recently launched the YRU@BMR Youth Ambassador Research Program with the motto ‘’research by young people for young people’’.
Media content classification in South Africa carries features of deliberative democracy. A clean break from the apartheid-era censorship, the Film and Publication Board (FPB) pursues its mandate through an inclusive,
The YRU@BMR recently conducted a research study investigating school-based violence. A total of 4760 learners and 286 educators, from randomly selected secondary schools in Gauteng, participated in the study. Based
@CASEsouthafrica envisions a society free of pornography and sexual exploitation, where everyone’s inherent dignity is respected and protected. In the pursuit of this vision, they have developed the #Pornproofing Programme to help parents
Syndicate Research studies announced by the BMR (Pty) Ltd for 2020 include the following: Personal income trends and estimates for South Africa, 2015-2019. Population and Household Projections for South Africa